Sunday, January 24, 2010


I began this blog with every intention of posting frequently.

Of course, intentions don't always translate into fact. I, unfortunately, spent a week in bed, sleeping off a nasty stomach bug. Well, frankly, between bed and the 'water closet.'

Scientists, of course, can pinpoint viruses and bacteria as the causes of illness, and can replicate them on petri dishes. Perhaps you've gotten swabs done in your mouth when you've been ill, the horrid q-tip sent off to a lab, only to receive a paper a few weeks later, describing your host of ailments.

But beyond that, we know there is a spiritual, Christian element to illness. The Bible gives us the truest, Godly explanations of why viruses and bacteria were placed on earth. The explanation, of course, is sin.

If we sin, or we habitually think sinful thoughts, God will try to right us through physical illness. (Psalms 32:1-5, 2 Chronicles 21:12-18, 1 Corinthians 11:29-32). I must say, I attempt in all things to avoid sin, but it is a constant struggle to avoid thinking habitually sinful thoughts. That is, after all, our human nature. I must admit to certain sins - coveting a friend's lovely necklace and her recent vacation; not honouring my parents as dutifully as I knew I ought; laziness on quite a few occasions.

That said, waking up today, much improved, gave me new appreciation for the small blessings in my life. The rosy sunlight shining through my pink curtains; the way Mother sat in her easy chair, watching the little ones play on the floor; the satisfying crackle and smell of the eggs I fried for everyone's breakfast; how smart Daddy looked in his suit and tie as he went off to work - and a thousand other small blessings!

As always, God's plan has been perfect.

A badly cropped photo of my bedroom window. Pink sheers!

Down the street from my house, just a few weeks ago. Isn't it lovely?

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